Malaysia / September 12, 2024

State-Of-The-Art Production Sites in Malaysia

Bomatec provides the ideal solution for efficient and cost-effective production

With its two state-of-the-art production sites in Malaysia, Bomatec provides the ideal solution for efficient and cost-effective production, especially in times of high production costs in Europe. Thanks to more than 40 injection moulding machines and numerous assembly lines, we accompany our customers from prototype to mass production. Your assemblies will be produced entirely in Malaysia – with the precision and quality you expect from Swiss engineering. Our diversified production site guarantees you a reliable supply chain, independent of China, and therefore offers crucial advantages in an increasingly competitive global market.

"Through an excellent supply chain and precise work in production, Bomatec ensures us the highest quality and reliability in every step of the manufacturing process."

German car manufacturer

Automated production to ensure consistency and improve operational safety

State-of-the-art Injection Moulding Machines

Rotor packages with glued in magnetized magnets

Quality control in the laboratory in Malaysia

Bomatec Malaysia Plant

Automated glue dosage to ensure consistency.

Philippe and Moritz

Whether you have an enquiry or a project, please feel free to contact our two specialists:

Philippe Scheuber

Head of Sales

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Moritz Erdmann

Key Account Manager

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Philippe Scheuber and Julius Bolliger on site at the factory in Malaysia