Optimized assembly for improved performance

Motor with best engineering expertise

Assemblies can possess immense potential for optimization. Our commitment to extracting the best out of every component means elevating assemblies, like blower motors, to a new level of performance.

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Blower motor at its peak

Enhanced-power blower motors, same magnetic base material - in this task we are the perfect partner. And we keep our promise: opting for the next higher class in the hard-ferrite spectrum and the magnetization's definition as 4- or 6-pole.


Enhanced power output


Same magnetic base material


Identical integration into existing system


Engineering expertise for success

When we tackle a project, we aim for precision and the best outcome for our clients: Injection-molded plastic-bonded hard ferrite magnets are installed in the existing blower motors. In order to achieve a higher output we opted for the next higher class in the hard ferrite spectrum: dry-pressed,axially oriented, sintered hard ferrite magnets. This allowed us to achieve a much higher remanence. The 4- or 6-pole magnetization and the fastening of motor shafts using plastic overmolding further contributes to a significant performance enhancement of the blower motor. The result is an excellently optimized assembly and a satisfied client.

Further Questions? Talk to an Expert!

Philippe Scheuber

Head of Sales

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